Features That Make Your Home Unique

Hello there! I think we can all agree that we want a home that is unique to us. This got me thinking, that to have a unique house doesn't mean that you necessarily have to do something dramatic like tearing walls down or repaint the exterior. While those things can be great, sometimes we aren't prepared for a giant project like that. So, I've gathered some suggestions

for you on how to add small features to your home to make it unique and special! 

First, you could add a built in shelf as a room or space separator in your home. This particular design is modern and sleek, instantly upgrading the look of the rooms. It separates the two rooms just enough so that there is definition, but without closing the spaces off completely. Now the rooms are distinguished but light and airy with an open bookcase for added decoration and storage. This could be done in a master between the bed area and a sitting area, or between a foyer and a living room. This shelf was done by

Woodmaster Custom Cabinets


Cell phone charging stations are genius. This tiny built in can get so much use in a household. Most likely, every member of your family has a cell phone. With a charging station, all you need is an outlet and little shelves to hold the phones. Add one in your kitchen and/or living room since those are the two rooms we socialize in most. These are usually placed mid-way up the wall, so no more bending down to plug in your phone or your guests phone when you have company over. Now, you can stay connected in the most convenient spots in your home without the fear of a dying phone!

A butler’s pantry may seem a tad fancy, but really it is just extra storage between your kitchen and dining room for coffee and beverages. This particular one was also a

Woodmaster Custom Cabinets

project. We love the glass cabinets above because they will show off your best wine glasses and coffee mugs, and they just look sophisticated. Underneath, feel free to store the mismatched kitchenware that you don’t want guests to see!

This added area is a great spot to use when you are hosting a party, or just to pour a cup of joe in the morning!

Lastly, you could consider adding a barn door somewhere in your home. These are definitely trending right now so it's an instant upgrade that requires minimal installation. Choose any design and finish you like and pick an interesting metal track to slide it on. Put it somewhere creative, like in front of your pantry, laundry room, or even replace your bathroom door for a barn door that locks! This is one of our favorite additions. Thanks for reading and we hope that our ideas will help transform your home!


Bathroom Cabinets


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